Freedom of Information

ODAIT was established on 4 October 2022 by the Institutional Burials Act 2022. For more information on the roles and functions within the office, see the following pages:

ODAIT is an organisation without a Board which has been established to carry out specific functions under the 2022 Act for a fixed period. The Director is responsible to the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth for the performance of his functions under the 2022 Act. DCEDIY provides appropriate guidance and support where necessary to ensure that the required policies and procedures are in place.

The Department’s Memorialisation and Historical Burials Unit (as the Unit with policy responsibility for the Office), engages with the Director and monitors ODAIT’s compliance with the Code of Practice and statutory requirements. ODAIT will be required to complete an annual governance checklist confirming compliance with the Code of Practice requirements.

ODAIT has a management team consisting of the Director, Deputy Director, Finance Manager, Operations Manager and Head of Communications. The management team meet on a weekly basis.

ODAIT Staff are Civil Servants and are paid according to the Civil Service Salary Scales. Staff are bound by the Civil Service Code of Standards and Behaviour.

ODAIT’s budget is allocated through the Department of Children and Youth Affairs. The Financial Statements are audited by the Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General on an annual basis.

In accordance with Irish legislation, Prompt Payment of Accounts Act 1997, Prompt Payment of Accounts Act, 1997 ( ODAIT are committed to making every effort to pay our suppliers and service providers without delay. 

Government departments are obliged to pay suppliers of goods and services within 15 days from receipt of a valid invoice date (unless there are other payment terms agreed, or unless there is an issue with invoice payment). ODAIT have put measures in place to meet this commitment and produce quarterly reports on payments to suppliers. 

In order to ensure prompt payment, suppliers and service providers can assist ODAIT by ensuring they provide correct invoices, accurate bank account details, and by ensuring that their Tax Clearance status with the Irish Revenue Commissioners is up to date. 

To ensure prompt payment please adhere to the following invoicing requirements: 

  • A valid Purchase Order number must be included on all invoices. If you have not been provided with a PO number, please contact 
  • Invoices must include an IBAN in order to be processed for payment
  • Invoices should be emailed to

Financial Statements

The following published financial reports are publicly available:

The procurement policy of ODAIT is based on the principles of competitive tendering, in accordance with the OGP Public Procurement Guidelines for Goods and Services. All procurement adheres to public sector and EU guidelines and directives.

  • Details of current tender competitions are available on
  • ODAIT published details of public contracts once they are awarded.


The FOI Act 2014 provides the following statutory rights:

  1. A legal right for each person to access information held by a body to which FOI legislation applies.
  2. A legal right for each person to have official information relating to himself/herself amended where it is incomplete, incorrect or misleading.
  3. A legal right to obtain reasons for decisions affecting himself/herself.

The Freedom of Information Act asserts the right of members of the public to obtain access to official information to the greatest extent possible, consistent with the public interest and the right to privacy of individuals.

FOI requests relating to ODAIT records should be made to

Requests should be made in writing and should specify that they are being made under the FOI Act. To assist identification of the records sought, requesters should describe the records in as much detail as possible. A daytime contact number should be provided to enable clarification of the details of an FOI request. The staff of the Office will assist with the formulation of a request as necessary.

We will acknowledge your request within 2 weeks and, in most cases, respond within 4 weeks. If responding to your query requires us to involve a third party, we may require additional time to process your request.

FOI Disclosure Log

Disclosures are listed in order of reference number. Please note that, for privacy reasons, identifying information such as the name of the requester is not included in the disclosure log.